Aspire Discovering Your Purpose Through The Power Of Words

Aspire!: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of WordsAspire!: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words by Kevin Hall

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Aspire Discovering You Purpose Through the Power of Words is a book like none other I have ever read.  I couldn’t put it down and I find myself reading it over and over, underlining, highlighting and sharing its content on my facebook and blog. I have gifted about 40 books.

The secret word reveled in chapter one shot right to my heart, leaving me more conscientious of the words I speak and the way I treat others. I am a happier, kinder person having learned the meaning of Genshai. Thank you Kevin for writing and sharing your wisdom and insight of Genshai and the other 10 powerful words and their meanings. Aspire breathed new life into me and has inspired me to go after my dreams with the confidence that I can do anything. It was catastrophic in sending me on a journey of networking and surrounding myself with incredible people.

One of the highlights of my recent trip to India was teaching the 700 plus young women the meaning of the word Genshai and gifting 15 teachers their own copy of Aspire.  Aspire is changing lives all over the world.

I highly recommend Aspire to everyone! It’s a feel good, do good, and be good, kind of book. If you want a book that is different than anything else you have ever read………….buy and read Aspire today!

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