Hello World! This is my first WordPress blog. In fact it is my first post on my first blog:)
I love technology…though most of the time it is not a fan of me, but I am eager to learn. Technology is not so patient….it quickly moves forward, leaving me behind, but I’m trying to hop on the wagon and keep up the best I can!
Some of my family and friends ask, “Aren’t you afraid to be out there in the open…to be so public?” Absolutely NOT! Life is a journey to be enJOYed…..you only get ONE shot….I don’t want to hide, I want to play BIG! When it is all said and done, I want to have made a difference in this World…………….and blog about it:)
I am 48 years old, so most likely I’m more than half way through my life. Yikes…I better get out of my comfort zone and move my feet! My greatest loves are my family…my husband of 28 years in Sept my Seven children and three sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law and one adorable grandson. Yep! Life has been mostly good to me. I wouldn’t trade my trials (well a few of them I would:) because they have made me who I am. Raising seven kids has been a wonderful adventure…..having five in six years made it more of an adventure….five in elementary school together and five teens living in the house at one time were very memorable times…..many stories to blog about later:) My two cabooses Myley 17 and Skye 14….soon to be 15 are my only kids still at home. The house is quieter, less laundry, less garbage and the realization that they grow up too fast.
Awesome, Becky! Welcome to the world of WordPress!
You have such a beautiful family. God has truly blessed you.